Algebraic topology

Results: 2166

101Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Algebraic geometry / Algebraic topology / Cohomology theories / Homotopy theory / Homological algebra / Moduli stack of principal bundles / Moduli space / Cohomology / Quotient stack

423 Documenta Math. The Cohomology Rings of Moduli Stacks of Principal Bundles over Curves

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Language: English - Date: 2010-06-01 06:21:11
102Algebra / Abstract algebra / Topology / Vector bundles / Algebraic geometry / Differential topology / Birational geometry / Complex manifolds / Ample line bundle / Holomorphic vector bundle / Chern class / Divisor

183 Doc. Math. J. DMV Compact Complex Manifolds with Numerically Effective Cotangent Bundles

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Language: English - Date: 2014-07-15 07:15:58
103Abstract algebra / Algebra / Mathematics / Cohomology theories / Algebraic topology / Homotopy theory / Algebraic geometry / Topological modular forms / Analytic number theory / Elliptic cohomology / Landweber exact functor theorem / Stack

DOCTORAL STUDENT SEMINAR ON T M F WINTER TERMSEBASTIAN THYSSEN One of the fundamental problems in algebraic topology is to calculate the stable

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Language: English - Date: 2012-09-13 07:27:37
104Mathematics / Homotopy theory / Functors / Abstract algebra / Algebra / Category theory / Algebraic topology / Model category / Simplicial set / Adjoint functors / Span / Natural transformation

Correction to: Simplicial structures on model categories and functors American Journal of Mathematics), by Charles Rezk, Stefan Schwede and Brooke Shipley Edoardo Lanari has pointed out a gap which stem

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Language: English - Date: 2015-09-23 09:04:48
105Abstract algebra / Algebra / Mathematics / Sheaf theory / Algebraic geometry / Grothendieck topology / Topos theory / Isomorphism / Log structure / Topos / Functor / Adjoint functors

Categories of Log Schemes with Archimedean Structures By Shinichi Mochizuki∗ Contents

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Language: English - Date: 2014-08-18 10:59:58
106Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Homological algebra / Algebraic topology / Koszul complex / Jean-Louis Koszul / CW complex / Homology

Computation of the (n-1)-st Koszul Homology of Monomial Ideals and Related Algorithms Anna M. Bigatti ´ ´

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Language: English - Date: 2009-07-31 09:12:35
107Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Algebraic topology / Spectral theory / Special functions / Group theory / Spectral sequence / Thom space / Spectrum / Rectangular function

Bull. London Math. Soc–847 ❡ 2015 London Mathematical Society C

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Language: English - Date: 2015-10-04 08:51:36
108Algebra / Abstract algebra / Mathematics / Algebraic geometry / Algebraic number theory / Algebraic varieties / Vector bundles / Scheme theory / Frobenius endomorphism / Algebraic number field / Ample line bundle / Zariski topology

SATO-TATE IN THE HIGHER DIMENSIONAL CASE: ELABORATION OFIN SERRE’S NX (p) BOOK NICHOLAS M. KATZ 1. Introduction In the very last paragraph of Serre’s book Lectures on NX (p), he

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Language: English - Date: 2013-12-17 13:49:36
109Topology / Algebraic topology / Algebra / Homotopy theory / Cohomology theories / Homological algebra / Maps of manifolds / Cohomology / Homotopy / Pullback / De Rham cohomology

Introduction to Diffeology" 24th October - 4th November 2016" Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey A 12 hours course by Patrick IglesiasZemmour, in the framework of the Program on Diffeology Studies,

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Language: English - Date: 2016-07-19 03:41:04
110Topology / Mathematics / Algebra / Surgery theory / Algebraic topology / Geometric topology / Homotopy theory / Differential topology / Cobordism / 4-manifold / StiefelWhitney class / Spin structure

ON THE STAR-CONSTRUCTION FOR TOPOLOGICAL 4-MANIFOLDS PETER TEICHNER Abstract. We discuss existence and uniqueness of the ∗-construction which reverses the Kirby-Siebenmann invariant of a topological 4-manifold while fi

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Language: English - Date: 2012-08-01 06:52:27